Friday, May 12, 2006

Voilà Mon Amour!!

Have any of you felt that you knew a lot about a person but only to find out that you didnt know a damn thing about the person in the first place? my case it isnt that drastic (i atleast know a bit).
Obviously I'm talking about a girl. Girls aren't only a bit more difficult to understand but they usually dont want to be understood...and that makes it even more difficult.
Some who are reading this might know the girl I am talking about.
She is this one really cute and trendy kind of person (of course you know that I wont say anything bad about her here....well my opinion is that there is really nothing bad about her in the right sense of the word).
An extremely talented person who as been endowed with the gift of gab; she can take someone to Pluto and back and you would never have been bored or tired the whole of the journey. No one and I mean No one (not even You) can be as charismatic as her. She is exceptionally beautiful in her own special way and that makes her such an enchanting young girl!
Well now that I have told you all about what I feel and think about her, you would want to know how she really is. I cant tell you because this is the point where I sometimes doubt what I really do know about her....basically umm.... I dont know.
And well, its not bad that you dont know a person too well, it urges you to go that extra mile just to find out.
Oh...with this girl, it won't be a mile but a light-year!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very complex dude!

they want u to go that extra light year!!