Saturday, May 31, 2008

Summer Rain

The sky, intoxicating as the blue-eyed gypsy
Dancing, bewitched, in a psychedelic trance,
Is just as seductive, as alluring, as tipsy,
As her, when summer wields its lance.

The cherry flavoured Popsicle melts, delights,
A mouth eager to scream into the distance,
The joy that summer showers, the love it gifts,
To resuscitate the rapturous rhapsody of existence.

Within moments, the tunes change; a storm is brewing
The little girl drops her stick, and runs for cover,
Her soft curls whispering subtle secrets, enticing
the now, leaden sky, seemingly lacklustre,

From beneath the verdant foliage, she looks upon
As the sky shrieks and bellows, whistles and thunders.
Then it falls, the rain; hugging the tree, she looks on.
A chef-d’oeuvre of electric fury crossing the heavens

Drop by drop, the drizzle, and the downpours,
Creating frenzied fractals in turbulent pools,
A ghostly dance, the rain sways and shivers,
for a dreamy nocturne beguiling the merry moods,

The little girl, in awe, with the salacious sanguinity
of summer, takes a step into the watery whirlwinds,
She spreads her wings, embracing her destiny,
And flies through, disappearing into the enchanted showers.

-brath 31/5/08


Anishplainandsimple said...

jolly good work, dude... I'm no poet but still appreciate it from time to time. Don't stop writing! You know, you cant make poets, they are just born with 'it'.

Barath said...

hey thanx anish !

abt the part of bein born wit it.... hmm well im no Shakespeare :D

Vishesh said...

that was really nice man :) gone are the days of good editors in our school...

Anonymous said...

Lol . . .I see university education has taken it's toll on you :P