Friday, December 7, 2007

Live On

How did I wind up on this rocky road,
With nothing but my gritty heart?
I do not remember to what price I sold,
My dignity, my verve, my love, hence lost.

As I trod on, inexorably, intrepid to find,
A future, that seems bleak, stark,
I rediscover that buried deep in my mind,
These hopes, dreams - remnant muck.

I venture into stories untold,
I stumble upon souls battered,
I fumble for schlocky gold,
I chance upon diamonds shattered.

I have grown to ignore them,
Grown to accept things the way they are,
As they always will be. A gem,
They say, is not to be found here.

But, for that one priceless piece of wonder,
That one entrancing creation,
A demigod to whom I can surrender,
All what's left of my passion, emotion.

I'll search for eternity ...

- brath 6/12/07


Vishesh said...

wonderful man...phew where have you been? a wonder,when will we yonder? is it worth all the ponder?

priya said...

ahh whr i have a read this?? :P

Barath said...

nd im in college!! (yea suprises me too! :D)

glad u liked it :D

hey im givin it for the horizon'08 too ! :)

priya said...

active with school huh.. nice to hear that

Unknown said...

nice poem . . .btw eternity is a very short period of time :P