Wednesday, January 31, 2007

To All Of You

(click on pic to enlarge)
Chinmaya Vidyalaya was a place unlike other, cozza all you guys for making it one of the best four years of my life... This is to you...

Its wasn't easy being an alien to this country in the beginning. Then I met you ppl.... what a quirky, eccentric, carefree, talented, wacky, artistic, fun-loving, daring, crazy, mischevious, jumpy, blabby, jueey ;) (..... ooh i can't stop!) bunch of oddballs!! :)

Indeed studying, working, competing, playing, travelling, eating, blabbering, ..... with you guyz... aah...had a certain charm of its own... and kept that smile on my face always,
These are damn sweet memories which i shall cherish forever along with you!

Hope to stay the same as always!!!

Love ya guyzz!!!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day Dreamer

Oh, those piercing caramel eyes, that takes you now, from the Pacific canyons to the heights of Everest. You are swimming continuously in its rays, trying to bear the blizzard it lashes out every other second. It’s unwavering glances, striking you ever steadily, paralyzing you at the spot. A gaze that transfixes you in time… you don’t, you can’t even blink your eyes. Time is gone...

Snap! Snap! Comes the sound of two quick fingers, “Snap out of it!!”… Turn around, don’t bother…. It’s not even worth that much.

Oh yes it is, yes it is for those sweet caramel eyes.

Forget about them, you’re never gonna taste them.

Maybe so, but I just can’t resist them…it’s as addictive as chocolate.

Oh yeah?

Oh yeah…

It’s still addictive…. and addiction to anything is not good…. so wake up!... Can’t you see you are playing a losing game?...

I knew I’d lost already before starting.


More fun lies in at least trying to capture what you can’t rather than actually capturing something that you can.

You’ll get nothing that way

No…you do get more out if it than anything else…

I don’t understand…

It’s better that you don’t…

I see… so you are the least bit bothered about the answer then…

I already know the answer

What are you going to do?....

Snap!! Snap!!
Blink… Blink… “Hey!, I’m holding a party at my place this afternoon. I’d love it if you could make it... really? That’d be awesome!.. See you there!”
God no!! don’t smile!!... don’t…. There it is, the smile, the only thing more addictive than the eyes. She walks away… you’re transfixed… …

Snap!! Snap!!... Man! Just die….just do it!

You walk up to the wastepaper bin, tear up the enveloped letter that was behind your back all along, and watch it fall… fall into darkness. The letter itself was blank.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

DragonBall Z - Comes Alive!!!

hey! chek this video out!!
This is for all you Dragonball Z fans!
DBZ is one the best and fastest episodes of anime history...
and i dont think it ever gonna lose its charm!
Now, well bringing this anime to life... tht's a differnt story!
but this here, low budget short film, gives you a primitive glimpse of this new genre!!! Enjoy!!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

2007! Off To A Grand Start

Right! Here we are! Well, this afternoon, Hrushita (quite a jumpy carefree girl of my school) was like “Barath! Why does your blog have to be all serious and stuff?” … and I was at first surprised. “You know you should just basically blabber… people like to read blabber!”. Initially confounded, I did agree in the end… people did like to blabber! So give me a break here, as I blabber to you my new year adventure. Pardon any deviation from the blabberation grammer, I do it best on my exams though!

So 2007 is finally here!...and I’m like “Whoohoo… another goddamn year!”, as if any year is gonna make a big difference. Apparently this one is!… the “Board” exams as they call it, makes every 12th grade student wince and cringe. Two more months left to go… and I’m like blank? (well it sure feels like it!)… Oh! And more unfortunate, I’m leaving school!! …so I thought what’s the use of celebration anyway!....

Finally, I guess I did celebrate!>.. in quite a different manner this year.. I went to JavaGreen, a simple café with more than just coffee. About six months back, I’d written a post on my friends Priya and Arun who made their first steps to stardom as they sang and played modest songs. Well this time they were back and better with a whole new avatar… their band Dhwani! with guest appearance drummer Paul!

They had quite fun in carnatic fusion, and had the audience in rapture as they caressed them in melody. Priya, as usual, wonderful singer… (hey! she love's to do it, so she does it good), sang beautiful pieces of english and hindi. I had gone there with Bhargavi, another 'singing sensation', and she and Priya had the crowd clapping their lungs out. Arun, once again totally sexy on the guitar… had learnt quite a few new tricks with the strings! Whoa baby! And so was Paul … the beats got you pumpin!! Some guys from the audience, so damn enthusiastic… sang along, and this one guy, Benny… you gotta listen to him to believe it!
Yea, four hours go by just like that, as you just can’t stop listening to them. So yea I would totally consider this one of the best new year celebrations I’ve had so far in my life!
And well, one thing’s for sure the “Boards” needn’t stop you from having fun with your friends or doing anything you love to do … even if it is just for the heck of it!

2007.. another goddamn year … I think not!!
Happy New Year Y’all !

Carnatic Fusion: